Limited Displacement
In some physics interfaces, displacements can be prescribed not only to a certain value, but also to move freely within given limits. This is specified using the Limited option in the Prescribed Displacement or Prescribed Displacement/Rotation nodes.
The limit conditions are implemented as a weak inequality constraint. For each displacement component ui, a gap distance is computed as
where u0i,max and u0i,min are the maximum and minimum limits. Given Equation 3-176, the weak inequality constraint is formulated as
and is subjected to the Kuhn–Tucker conditions
where fi is the constraint force (or contact reaction force). The integral is taken over the geometric entities of the selection, which may be domains, boundaries, edges, or points. For a point selection, the integral should be interpreted as a summation. The constraint force will have corresponding units.
Using the penalty method to regularize the constraint, the contact reaction force is defined as
where kp is the penalty factor. With the above definition of fi, Equation 3-177 is added as a weak contribution to the model to implement the constraint. The unit of the penalty factor depends on the type of geometrical entity that is constrained.
The augmented Lagrangian implementation of the inequality constraint is based on the following augmentation of Equation 3-177
where flm,i is a Lagrange multiplier that is added as an extra degree of freedom to the model. The penalized contact reaction force fi is for the augmented Lagrangian method defined as
and the constraint is implemented by adding the weak contributions defined in Equation 3-178 to the model.