Virtual Crack Extension
Add a Virtual Crack Extension node to compute the energy release rate and stress intensity factors at a crack tip using the virtual crack extension method.
This is an alternative to using a J-Integral. The J-integral is easier to use, but the virtual crack extension method is more versatile.
The Virtual Crack Extension node is only available with some COMSOL products (see
Boundary Selection
Here you select the boundaries that constitute the crack surface to be used in the computation. The default is the same boundaries that are selected in the parent Crack node. In most cases, you do not have to change the selection.
Crack Front
Select the edges (3D) or point (2D) that define the tip of the crack for which the energy release rate is to be computed.
Enter the Radius, Rs, of the sensitivity region. This is the region that is deformed by the associated Deformed Geometry feature during the sensitivity analysis. The default radius is an expression of the form solid.<crack_tag>.crackSize*0.5. The variable crackSize is estimated from the crack geometry.
Stress Intensity Factors
In order to separate the stress intensity factors for the different crack modes, the displacements on the crack surfaces are analyzed. In order to get a good value, this analysis should be performed in a region where the theoretical solution for the fields around a crack tip is valid. Ideally, this is close to the crack tip. It is, however, not possible to get an accurate numerical evaluation very close to the crack tip, due to the singularity of the fields.
The default is that the region used for the evaluation starts at a distance of 20% of the crack length from the tip, and extends to half the crack length. You can modify these values by entering a Lower bound, b, and an Upper bound, c.
In this section, you can specify if the special virtual crack extension study should also contain a parametric sweep. Select Add parametric sweepYes or No.
If Yes is selected, then specify the Sweep typeSpecified Combinations or All combinations. Then, add parameters, their ranges, and their units on the Parameters table. The interpretation of the settings are the same as for the Parametric Sweep study step.
Virtual Crack Extension Method in the Structural Mechanics Modeling chapter.
Virtual Crack Extension Theory in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Crack node selected in the model tree: