First iteration applies the stabilization forces for the first iteration of the nonlinear solver only. This can be useful if parts are initially in contact but require friction to be constrained.
First step applies the stabilization forces for the first parameter step or time step. Enable Iteration relaxation to relax the spring stiffness with each iteration of the nonlinear solver.
For Specified number of steps, enter the number of parameter steps or time steps for which the stabilization forces are active. By enabling the Step relaxation, the spring stiffness is reduced with each step number. If Iteration relaxation is enabled, the spring stiffness is relaxed with each nonlinear iteration of the final specified step number.
To monitor the stabilization energy added, add a Global Variable Probe of the variable <phys>.<contact_feature>.Wstb, and output probe values while solving in the Fully Coupled or Segregated solver. This setting allows you to track how stabilization relaxes with the nonlinear iterations.