When you add a Gravity node, gravity forces are applied to all features in the physics interface with a density, mass, or mass distribution.
The gravity acts in a fixed spatial direction. The load intensity is g = ρgeg where g as a default is the acceleration of gravity (a predefined physical constant).
The Gravity node is only available with some COMSOL products (see
Gravity is not available in 1D axisymmetry.
Coordinate System Selection
Select a coordinate system in which the gravity field vector is represented. Only systems with space-independent axis directions are consistent with the assumptions of this feature. The Global coordinate system is selected by default.
Enter the components for Gravity g. The default value is g_const, which is the gravitational acceleration constant at mean sea level having the value 9.80665 m/s2.
In versions earlier than 6.1, the Gravity node was a feature with domain selection. In a model created in an earlier version, the old Gravity node remains unchanged. For such a model, it is recommended to use the newer functionality. There are different options:
If the current Gravity node has a selection, which is not the entire model, or if it contains expressions that depends on the spatial coordinates, you can replace it by a Linearly Accelerated Frame node.
If the current Gravity node is used to represent an acceleration imposed by the foundation, consider replacing it by a Base Excitation node.
You can add a Harmonic Perturbation subnode for specifying a harmonic variation of the values of the prescribed displacements and rotations in a frequency domain analysis of perturbation type.
You can assign this load to a load group. See Load Cases in the Structural Mechanics Modeling chapter.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with a structural mechanics interface selected: