Point Load
Add a Point Load to points for concentrated forces or moments at points. The loads are defined in the given coordinate system. From the Coordinate system list select from:
Global coordinate system (the standard global coordinate system).
Face Defining the Local Orientations
This setting is used in conjunction with Shell Local System. When the load is applied to an edge which is shared between boundaries, the coordinate system can be ambiguous. Select the boundary which should define the edge system. The default is Use face with lowest number.
Through-Thickness Location
Select a surface — Top Surface, Midsurface, or Bottom Surface. The default is that the load is applied at the midsurface. The effect of using another surface than the midsurface is that for a tangential load, the distance from the midsurface is used to compute an additional equivalent moment load.
To place the load at another distance from the midsurface, select the Offset check box, and enter a value for the offset, zoffset.
If the material model is Section Stiffness, there may physically not be a well-defined top and bottom surface. If the load is applied at such a surface, the thickness value used to compute the load is taken from the settings in the Thickness and Offset node.
If a selected point is connected to boundaries having different thicknesses, then the result of specifying Top Surface or Bottom Surface is not well defined.
Select a Load typeForce per point, Total force, or Resultant.Then enter values or expressions based on the selection.
For Force per point enter values or expressions for the components of the point load Fp.
For Total force, COMSOL Multiphysics divides the total force by the number of points where the load is active. Then the force is applied in the same way as for Force per point.
For Resultant, enter the Force and Moment with respect to a point. Select the Application point defined usingCentroid, Point, or Coordinates. For Centroid, the coordinates of the application point is the centroid of the selected points. For Point, select a geometrical point in the section Application Point. For Coordinates, enter the global coordinates of the Application point, xa.
For the load types Force per point and Total force, the load list normally only contains User defined. When combining with another physics interface that can provide this type of load, it is also possible to choose a predefined load from this list.
When using the Resultant option, the following should be observed
Enter values or expressions for the components (x, y, z) of the point moment MP. The given moment is applied to each of the selected points.
This section is not present when Resultant is selected as the Load type.
Traction Field
This section is only shown when Resultant has been selected as Load type. The distribution of the forces over the selected points is controlled by the settings here.
Select a Traction distributionBeam or User defined.
When Beam is selected, the force distribution approximately matches the stress distribution over a beam cross section.
For User Defined, you can write expressions for the force distribution. Enter expressions for the six dimensionless vector-valued distribution functions, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, and q6. Usually, the local coordinates of the loaded region would be used for this purpose, but there is no limitation on the form of the functions. The built-in variables for the local coordinates are named <physics_tag>.<load_tag>.x2 and <phys_tag>.<load_tag>.x3, for example solid.pl1.x2. The default value is the distribution that is used when the option Beam is selected.
The local coordinates, x2 and x3, are defined in the following way:
x2 is the axis around which the virtual principal area moment of inertia is larger.
When User Defined is selected, you can also select a Weight functionNone, Circular, or User Defined. This function acts as a multiplier to the force distribution functions. When None is selected, the weight function w = 1. For Circular, enter a radius rw of a circle, outside of which no load is applied (w = 0). Inside the circle, w = 1. For User Defined, enter a weighting expression. Usually, the built-in local coordinates of the loaded region would be used for this purpose, but there is no limitation on the form of the function. A time- or parameter-dependent function can, for example, be used to model a moving load.
The traction distribution functions have the property that the forces are distributed as
where the coefficients ci are chosen so that the given force and moment resultants are obtained.
This section is only shown when Resultant has been selected as Load type. If the resultant force is applied in a symmetry or antisymmetry plane, this fact needs to be taken into account when creating the corresponding force distribution.
Select a symmetry type — None, Symmetry, or Antisymmetry. When one of the types of symmetry is chosen, specify the symmetry plane by entering a Normal Vector, nsym, and a Point, xsym, located in the plane.
When specifying a resultant load on a symmetry plane, you provide the full value of force and moment, as if there was no symmetry in the model. Any components of the given load that do not fulfill the selected type of symmetry will be discarded.
Linear Buckling
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
If you are performing a linear buckling analysis with a combination of live and dead loads, select the Treat as dead load check box to indicate that the load contributions from this node are constant. The default is that a load is proportional to the load factor.
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Shell or Plate selected: