Phase Field Model
The Phase Field Model node adds the equations to model phase field transport in solids. In particular, it allows for specifying a scalar potential function of all phase field variables as well as the length scale, structure tensor, and regularization time of each phase field variable.
Select a Potential FunctionQuadratic or User Defined. For User Defined, enter an expression for the potential function as a function of the dependent variables (phase field variables).
Phase Field Model
Enter a Length scale, lint, for each of the phase field variables.
Enter the Structure tensor, D, for each of the phase field variables. Select Isotropic, Diagonal, or Symmetric to enter one or more components of the structure tensor. When a Diagonal or Symmetric tensor input is used, the axis orientations are given by the coordinate system selection.
Enter a Viscous regularization time, τ, for each of the phase field variables.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Phase Field in Solids selected: