Diffraction Grating Theory
The Grating and Cross Grating features are boundary conditions that release rays into one or more diffraction orders whenever a ray hits a boundary. In reality, the grating surface is a periodic substructure in which the unit cells can be smaller than the electromagnetic wavelength, but the substructure geometry is not explicitly modeled as part of the ray optics simulation. Based on the unit cell size and wavelength, rays that hit the grating will propagate into specific directions (the diffraction orders) in which waves from neighboring unit cells would constructively interfere.
Although the substructure of a grating or cross grating may contain many fine details, typically on the micron scale, from a ray optics perspective it is not necessary to explicitly model the substructure geometry. Instead the grating is approximated as a featureless surface where diffraction orders are released in directions computed from the specified unit cell size and the electromagnetic wavelength.
Unless otherwise stated, in this section, the term “grating” will be used to refer to a surface whose substructure is periodic in one direction and homogeneous in the orthogonal direction. The term “cross grating” will be used for a surface whose substructure exhibits periodicity in two different directions.
Consider an electromagnetic wave incident on the grating or cross grating surface with vacuum wavelength λ0 (SI unit: m). It therefore has angular frequency ω = 2π/λ0 (SI unit: rad/m). Assuming the surrounding media are transparent or weakly absorbing, the ray propagates in the direction of its wave vector k (SI unit: rad/m) which has magnitude k = ωn/c. Here n (dimensionless) is the absolute refractive index of the material and c = 299,792,458 m/s is the speed of light in a vacuum.
The effect of a grating is to offset the in-plane components of the wave vector by an integer multiple of the reciprocal lattice vector G (SI unit: rad/m), given by
Here d (SI unit: m) is the grating constant, that is, the width of each unit cell of the periodic substructure; and Tg (dimensionless) is a unit vector that lies in the grating surface and indicates the direction of periodicity. By definition, Tg is orthogonal to the surface normal ns.
The wave vector k of the incident ray can be treated as the vector sum of two constituent vectors, one parallel to the surface (kp) and one perpendicular to it (kn):
The in-plane component of the outgoing wave vector is given by
where m (dimensionless) is an integer known as the diffraction order. For m = 0 the ray is specularly reflected if it propagates into the same medium as the incident ray, or refracted (as in Snell’s law) if it propagates into the medium on the opposite side of the grating. The diffraction order m can be any integer but (as detailed in a later section) rays of a given diffraction order can only propagate if the out-of-plane wave vector component remains real-valued while the in-plane component satisfies Equation 3-23.
Cross Grating
In a Cross Grating, the in-plane component of the wave vector is offset by integer multiples of two different reciprocal lattice vectors corresponding to two directions of periodicity in the grating surface,
where m and n are the diffraction order numbers. The two reciprocal lattice vectors G1 and G2 (SI unit: rad/m) are defined as
where d1 and d2 (SI unit: m) are the dimensions of one unit cell in the two-dimensional periodic substructure, and Tg,1 and Tg,2 (dimensionless) are unit vectors indicating the corresponding directions of periodicity.
Note that Tg,1 and Tg,2 are not required to be perpendicular to each other, but they cannot be parallel or antiparallel. By definition, both Tg,1 and Tg,2 are orthogonal to the surface normal ns. For the simplified case where Tg,1 and Tg,2 are perpendicular, Equation 3-25 simplifies to
Similar to a grating with a single direction of periodicity, the two diffraction orders m and n can take on any integer values, but that diffraction order can only propagate if the out-of-plane wave vector component can be real-valued while the in-plane component satisfies Equation 3-24.
Wave Vector Reinitialization
The magnitude of the outgoing perpendicular component of the reflected and transmitted wavefront can be found from the requirement that the magnitude of the outgoing wave vector kout is equal to the wave number; that is, ||kout|| = k0n, where k0 = ω/c is the wave number in free space. The projections of the reflected and transmitted wave vectors onto the surface normal kn,r and kn,t therefore have magnitudes
where n1 and n2 are the refractive indices on the incoming (reflected) and outgoing (transmitted) side of the grating, respectively. The outgoing reflected and transmitted wave vectors kr and kt are therefore given by
A given order will only exist if the magnitude of the parallel (in-plane) wave vector is less than the magnitude of each out-going wave vector. That is
for rays on the incoming side (reflected rays) and
for rays on the outgoing side (transmitted rays). Each is equivalent to requiring one of the square roots in Equation 3-26 to return a positive real value.
Relative Order Numbers
For the Grating (but not the Cross Grating) it is possible to specify relative diffraction order numbers instead of absolute orders. This is particularly useful for blazed gratings.
In a blazed grating, the main detail of the grating microstructure is an array of facets that make an angle θB (SI unit: rad) with respect to the grating normal. This angle is known as the blaze angle. The absolute order number m in which maximum diffraction efficiency occurs can be found from the general grating equation
where the angles α and β (SI unit: rad) are defined as
where θ and γ are the angles of incidence with respect to the grating normal in-plane and out-of-plane respectively. At the peak of the blaze function the angle of diffraction with respect to the grating normal (θ') is equal to θ. Therefore, for any given wavelength λ, the absolute order number is given by
where Δm is the order number relative to the order in which this wavelength is closest to the blaze peak. The in-plane and out-of-plane angles can be derived from the incoming wave vector components. First, we have the component in the direction of the grating normal
The in-plane and out-of-plane components are
where kp is the incoming wave vector projected onto the grating surface. This gives the angle θ and γ as