Two-Port Network
Use the Two-Port Network node to characterize the response of a two-port network system such as reflection and transmission using S-parameters.
A Two-Port Network can only be applied on boundaries that extend between two metallic boundaries — that is, boundaries where Perfect Electric Conductor, Impedance Boundary, or Transition Boundary conditions apply — separated by a distance much smaller than the wavelength.
Two-Port Network Properties
Type of Port
Select a Type of PortCoaxial or Uniform.
Coaxial does not support nonzero azimuthal mode number. The Azimuthal mode number in the Physics interface should be defined as zero.
Type of S-parameter Definition
Select a Type of S-parameter DefinitionMatrix or Touchstone file.
Matrix defines the S-parameter by a constant matrix input. Touchstone file imports a two-port Touchstone file to characterize the two-port boundaries as a function of frequency.
Enter the Characteristic impedance Zref (SI unit: Ω) for Matrix.
Interpolation and Extrapolation
Select Interpolation and Extrapolation types to obtain S-parameter values from the imported Touchstone file corresponding to the simulation frequencies.
Select a InterpolationNearest neighbor, Linear, Piecewise cubic (the default), or Cubic spline.
The S-parameter values are interpolated within the frequency range specified in the Touchstone file.
Select a ExtrapolationConstant (the default), Linear, Nearest function, or Specific value.
The S-parameter values are extrapolated outside the frequency range specified in the Touchstone file.
Filter Characterized by Imported S-Parameters via a Touchstone File: Application Library path RF_Module/Filters/two_port_network_touchstone