In addition to the S-parameter variables, variables are also added for voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) when using a single port, two-port ABCD-parameters when using two ports, and reflection coefficient with multiple excitation when all ports are excited, as shown in the table below:
In the table above, emw is the tag for the physics interface. This tag can be different for different physics interface instances.
N is the name of the port (a number).
The ABCD-parameters are produced when two ports are employed. When a port sweep is conducted, the full 2-by-2 S-parameter matrix is transformed into the ABCD-parameters using a 50 Ω reference impedance. If not, the network is assumed to be reciprocal, with S
21 = S
12 and S
11 = S
22. The hypothetical full S-parameters are then converted to ABCD-parameters accordingly.