The Laminar Flow interfaces provide various predefined inelastic non-Newtonian constitutive models including Power law, Carreau, Carreau–Yasuda, Cross, Cross–Williamson, Sisko, Bingham–Papanastasiou, Herschel–Bulkley–Papanastasiou, Casson–Papanastasiou, DeKee–Turcotte–Papanastasiou, Robertson–Stiff–Papanastasiou, Ellis, and Houska thixotropy.
where m,
n are scalars that can be set to arbitrary values and

denotes a reference shear rate for which the default value is 1 s
−1. For
n > 1, the power law describes a shear thickening (dilatant) fluid. For
n < 1, it describes a shear thinning (pseudoplastic) fluid. A value of
n equal to one gives the expression for a
Newtonian fluid.
Equation 3-13 predicts an infinite viscosity at zero shear rate for
n < 1. This is however never the case physically. Instead, most fluids have a constant viscosity for shear rates smaller than 10
−2 s
−1 (
Ref. 17). Since infinite viscosity also makes models using
Equation 3-13 difficult to solve, COMSOL Multiphysics implements the Power law model as
where λ is a parameter with the unit of time,
μ0 is the zero shear rate viscosity,
μ∞ is the infinite shear-rate viscosity, and
n is a dimensionless parameter. This expression is able to describe the viscosity for most stationary polymer flows.
The Carreau–Yasuda model is a generalized version of the Carreau model with the transition parameter a which allows for modifying the stiffness of the transition from constant
μ0 to thinning. So, it has five parameters in the expression:
The Cross model is a special case of the Carreau–Yasuda model with a = 1 − n and
λ = μ0/τtr where
τtr is the critical stress. So, it has the following form:
Viscoplastic fluid behavior is characterized by existence of the yield stress τy — a limit which must be exceeded before significant deformation can occur. To model the stress-deformation behavior of viscoplastic materials, different constitutive equations have been propose. The Bingham plastic model is written as
where μp is the plastic viscosity.
where mp is a scale that controls the exponential growth of stress.
where m,
n are scalars that can be set to arbitrary values, and

is the reference shear rate. In case
n equals one, the Bingham–Papanastasiou model is recovered. This equation is valid in both yielded and unyielded regions. The exponent
mp controls the smoothness of the viscosity function.
where μDK and
λDK denote the shear rate viscosity and relaxation time respectively. In case
λDK equals zero, it recovers the Bingham–Papanastasiou model.
In case n equals one, it also recovers the Bingham–Papanastasiou model.
In the Ellis model, μapp is computed recursively using the following equation
where τ1/2 is the shear stress at which
μapp = μ0/2. The exponent
ae is the shear thinning index, which is a measure of the degree of nonlinearity.
where my,0 and
τy,0 denote the consistency and yield stress of the fully broken down material, respectively,
my,0 + my,t and
τy,0 + τy,t indicate the consistency and yield stress of the fully recovered material, respectively.
Here, the structure field ξ obeys the following equation:
where kf and
kb denote the rebuild and breakdown coefficients, respectively.
It is also possible to add the thermal effects to the non-Newtonian constitutive models. The following options: None,
Williams–Landel–Ferry (WLF),
Exponential, and
User defined are expressed in terms of a thermal function
αT. The thermal function
αT is coupled with the non-Newtonian constitutive models by multiplying by
my,0, and
my,0 if they are
User defined.
where Q denotes the activation energy,
R is the universal gas constant,
T and
T0 are the temperature and reference temperature, respectively.
where C1WLF and
C2WLF are model constants, and
TWLF is the reference temperature.
where b denotes a temperature sensitivity, and
T0 is the reference temperature.