Use the Pump node to introduce a pressure jump in a point associated with the position of a pump in the pipe system. Alternatively, specify a fixed mass flow rate for the pump.
The Pump can only be applied to a point which is connected to exactly two edges.
Pump Specification
Select a Pump direction (available options are based on space dimension) — Positive X direction (the default), Negative X direction, Positive Y direction, Negative Y direction, Positive Z direction, or Negative Z direction. The pressure is increases in the direction specified in the Pump direction.
Select an option from the Type list — Fixed flow rate (the default), Downstream pressure, Pressure increase, and Pump curve.
For Fixed flow rate, enter a value or expression for the Mass flow rate mpump (SI unit: kg/s). The default is 0 kg/s.
For Downstream pressure, enter a value or expression for the Pressure pdown (SI unit: Pa). The default is 101,325 Pa.
For Pressure increase, enter a value or expression for the Pressure increase Δp (SI unit: Pa). The default is 0 Pa.
Pump curve specifies a relationship between the head and the volumetric flow rate — Pump curve data or User defined.
Pump Curve Data
When Pump curve data is selected as the Pump curve, a table appears, where values of the Flow rate and the Head can be specified or imported from a text file by clicking the Load from file button () under the table. The interpolation between points given in the table is defined using the Interpolation function type list in the Pump Curve Interpolation section. Units can be specified for the Flow rate and the Head in the Units section.
User Defined
With the User defined option, an expression for the Pump curve can be specified. The flow rate across the point where this boundary condition is applied is defined by phys_id.V0 where phys_id is the name (by default for pipe flow, phys_id is pfl). In order to avoid unexpected behavior, the function used for the pump curve returns the maximum of the user-defined function and 0.