Particle Counter
Use the Particle Counter feature to compute information about particles that are located in a set of selected domains or on a set of selected boundaries. The counter may detect all particles or only the particles released by a specified release feature. Computed variables are the number of particles transmitted, the number of particles transmitted at the final time, the transmission probability, and a logical expression which can be used to filter the rendered particles during results processing.
When used with The Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Interface, the Particle Counter also computes the transmitted mass flow rate when the Particle release specification is set to Specify mass flow rate.
When used with The Charged Particle Tracing Interface, the Particle Counter also computes the transmitted current when the Particle release specification is set to Specify current. If the release feature is a Particle Beam feature in the Charged Particle Tracing interface, additional variables for the average position, velocity, and energy of the transmitted particles are available.
particle counter
Select an option from the Release feature list. If All (the default) is selected, the Particle Counter collects information about all particles in the selected domains or boundaries, regardless of how they were released. Alternatively, select a particle release feature from the list, and then only the particles produced by that feature are counted.