Pressure Gradient Force
The pressure gradient force is an optional term that can be defined by the Drag Force node by clicking the Include virtual mass and pressure gradient forces check box.
For a particle of velocity v (SI unit: m/s) in a fluid of velocity u (SI unit: m/s), the pressure gradient force term Fp (SI unit: N) is (Ref. 19)
where, as in the Virtual Mass Force in the previous section, mf (SI unit: kg) is the mass of the fluid displaced by the particle volume,
dp (SI unit: m) is the particle diameter, and ρ (SI unit: kg/m3) is the density of the fluid at the particle’s position.
Unlike the virtual mass force, however, the material derivative D (not d) follows the fluid velocity direction rather than the particle velocity direction. That is,
or, using Einstein’s notation and taking the sum over repeating indices,