Drag Force in a Rarefied Flow
The drag laws defined in the previous section are valid when the liquid or gas surrounding each particle can be treated as a continuum. The assumption of continuum flow in the vicinity of a particle breaks down if the density of the fluid is extremely low, the particles are extremely small, or some combination of these factors.
If the particles are very small or the gas is extremely rarefied, consider selecting the Include rarefaction effects check box in the physics interface Particle Release and Propagation section to include some of the corrections described in this section.
Defining the Knudsen Number and Mean Free Path
The assumption of continuum flow surrounding the particle is valid when the particle Knudsen number is very small. The Knudsen number Kn is a dimensionless number that relates the particle size to the mean free path of molecules in the surroundings,
where dp (SI unit: m) is the particle diameter and λ (SI unit: m) is the mean free path of molecules in the surrounding fluid.
For the purposes of computing the particle Knudsen number, the mean free path of molecules in the surrounding fluid is defined as
p (SI unit: Pa) is the gas pressure,
ρ (SI unit: kg/m3) is the gas density, and
μ is the gas dynamic viscosity (SI unit: Pa·s).
This is very similar to the expression given in Ref. 6, albeit with a slight simplification. Jennings (Ref. 6) defines the mean free path as
Comparing Equation 5-6 to Equation 5-7, it is clear that the COMSOL implementation uses u = 0.5. Jennings instead suggests u = 0.4987445. Allen and Raabe (Ref. 7) suggest u = 0.498 when treating the molecules as hard elastic spheres. You can multiply the mean free path by a user-defined coefficient by selecting User-defined correction from the Mean free path calculation list in the settings for the Drag Force node.
Applying a Slip Correction to the Drag Coefficient
When the Knudsen number is extremely close to zero, Kn << 1, the surrounding fluid may be treated as a continuum flow; a correction factor is not necessary. However, if the Knudsen number is significantly greater than zero, rarefaction effects should be taken into account. In that case, select the Include rarefaction effects check box in the physics interface Particle Release and Propagation section. The drag coefficient CD (dimensionless) is then defined as the drag coefficient for continuum flow CD,C (dimensionless), divided by a slip correction factor S (dimensionless):
The definition of the slip correction factor S is given for each available rarefaction model in Table 5-2 below. In the expressions for the Basset, Epstein, and Phillips models, the factor 2Kn is explicitly given as a reminder that these models were originally defined for a Knudsen number in terms of particle radius, not diameter. Additional details about each model are given in the ensuing subsections.
Figure 5-2: Comparison of the available slip correct factor definitions for drag force in a rarefied gas. It is clear that the Epstein model is only applicable at high Kn whereas the Basset model is only applicable at low Kn.
Cunningham-Millikan-Davies (CMD) Model
The Cunningham-Millikan-Davies model, or CMD model, uses three dimensionless, user-defined coefficients to define the correction factor:
The default values of the three coefficients are C1 = 2.514, C2 = 0.8, and C3 = 0.55. Allen and Raabe (Ref. 7) list the coefficients given by various authors.
Note that in some references (7, 9), the Knudsen number is defined by using the particle radius as the characteristic length scale, not the diameter. When importing coefficients from such a reference, multiply the coefficients C1 and C2 by 2, and divide the coefficient C3 by 2.
For example, Millikan (Ref. 9) suggested values of 0.864, 0.290, and 1.25. To use Millikan’s fitting parameters in COMSOL, you should instead enter the values 1.728, 0.580, and 0.625. Even with this adjustment, the fitting parameters used by Millikan differ significantly from those used by more recent authors (Ref. 7) in part because Millikan used a different coefficient to compute the mean free path of air.
Epstein Model
Epstein (Ref. 10) analytically derived the net force on a spherical particle in a rarefied gas in the limit of extremely high Knudsen number, so that the mean free path of molecules is much greater than the particle diameter:
N (SI unit: 1/m3) is the number density of molecules in the gas,
m (SI unit: kg) is the molecular mass of the gas,
(SI unit: m/s) is the average speed of the molecules in the gas,
a (SI unit: m) is the particle radius, and
V (SI unit: m/s) is the norm of the average velocity of the gas relative to the particle.
The dimensionless parameter δ has different values depending on the type of reflection the gas molecules experience on the particle surface. For specular reflection, δ = 1.
For diffuse reflection, δ = 1 + π/8. The particle is assumed to be a perfect thermal conductor. Furthermore, this type of diffuse reflection is called “diffuse reflection with accommodation”, meaning that the reflected particle velocity is sampled from a Maxwell distribution based on the effective temperature of the particle. That is, both the reflected particle speed and direction are sampled randomly.
Epstein substituted into the previous expression the relationship
where λ is the mean free path of molecules and ϕ is a dimensionless coefficient. Epstein and Millikan (Refs. 8, 9, and 10) used ϕ = 0.3502, while subsequent authors (Refs. 6 and 7) used values of approximately ϕ = 0.5. Using the more up-to-date value and substituting Equation 5-9 into Equation 5-8 yields
The last part of this expression can be recognized as the Stokes drag force in a continuum flow, so that
Let σ (dimensionless) be the fraction of molecules that undergo diffuse reflection with accommodation at the particle surface, while the remainder undergo specular reflection. Many authors (Refs. 7, 8, 9, and 10) report values of approximately σ = 0.9. Then
Simplification yields
Finally, recall that the COMSOL implementation always defines the Knudsen number in terms of the particle diameter, and thus λ/a = 2Kn. The final expression for the drag correction factor for the Epstein model is therefore
Basset Model
The Basset model is a first-order correction for relatively small Knudsen numbers; that is, terms of order λ/a are retained whereas terms of order (λ/a)2 and higher are neglected. Under this assumption, Epstein (Ref. 10) provides a simplified version of Basset’s formula for drag force with a nonzero slip factor,
The numerator is simply the expression for Stokes drag in a continuum flow. In the denominator, a (SI unit: m) is the particle radius, and the radio μ/β (dimensionless) is the slip factor, given as
where, similar to the Epstein model, σR is the fraction of gas molecules that undergo diffuse reflection with accommodation, and the remaining fraction are assumed to undergo specular reflection.
Substituting Equation 5-11 into Equation 5-10, and noting that λ/a = 2Kn, yields
Finally, in Ref. 10 Epstein used a coefficient of 0.3502 when defining the mean free path, whereas in the COMSOL implementation this coefficient is 0.5, nearly equal to values given in more recent publications (Refs. 6 and 7). To compensate for this change, the factor of 0.7004 may be set to unity in the previous equation, yielding the equation for the slip correction factor implemented in COMSOL:
where use has been made of the mathematical relation
in which terms of order x2 can be dropped for x much smaller than unity.
Phillips Model
If the Phillips model (Ref. 11) is used, the correction factor is defined as:
where c1 and c2 (dimensionless) are functions of the accommodation coefficient:
This is a moment solution to the Boltzmann equation that gives the same asymptotic behavior as the Basset model at low Kn and the Epstein model at high Kn.