Magnetophoretic Force
Use the Magnetophoretic Force node to include forces on particles due to a difference in permeability between the particles and background fluid. The force is specified via a magnetic field and the permeability of the particle and the fluid.
Additionally, piecewise polynomial recovery can be used, which can give a more accurate representation of the specified magnetic field.
Supported formulations:
Magnetophoretic Force
Enter a value or expression for the Magnetic field H (SI unit: A/m) based on space dimension, or if the field is computed by another physics interface then it can be selected from the list. Unlike the Dielectrophoretic Force the Magnetophoretic Force always treats the model particles as homogeneous spheres.
The Particle relative permeability μr,p (dimensionless), which is now specified in the settings for the Particle Properties node, must be greater than or equal to one.
Fluid Properties
Enter a value or expression for the Fluid relative permeability μr,f (dimensionless). The value must be greater than or equal to one.
Advanced Settings
Select the Use piecewise polynomial recovery on field check box to smooth the magnetic field using piecewise polynomial recovery. This can give a much more accurate representation of the magnetic field as it uses information on adjacent mesh elements to reconstruct the field. If a coarse mesh is used to compute the field then this option can be especially useful.
Use the Particles to affect list to apply the force to specific particles. The available settings are the same as for the Force node.
Magnetophoretic Force in the theory section.