Current Conservation, Piezoresistive
The Current Conservation, Piezoresistive node is normally used together with a Piezoresistivity multiphysics coupling node. The node is added by default to the Electric Currents interface when adding a Piezoresistivity, Domain Currents predefined multiphysics coupling interface. It is also available from the context menu (right-click the Electric Currents interface parent node) or from the Physics toolbar.
More information can be found in The Piezoresistivity, Domain Currents Interface section of the MEMS Module User’s Guide.
Constitutive Relation Jc-E
Select a Constitutive modelPiezoresistance form or Elastoresistance form. For each of the following, the default uses values From material. For User defined enter other values in the matrix or field.
Specify an Electrical conductivity, zero stress (SI unit: S/m). This typically comes from the material added under the Materials node.
For Piezoresistance form, select a Piezoresistance coupling matrix Πl (SI unit: Ω⋅m/Pa).
For a Elastoresistance form, select an Elastoresistance coupling matrix Ml (SI unit:  Ω⋅m).
When the Current Conservation, Piezoresistive node is added to the Electric Currents interface in the absence of an active Piezoresistivity multiphysics coupling node, the material behaves similarly to a Current Conservation node with the electrical conductivity corresponding to the entered value of electrical conductivity at zero stress. The piezoresistive effect will be not included in the corresponding equation system.