The Moisture Flow, Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow Multiphysics Interfaces
These versions of the Moisture Flow interface model moisture transport in air by vapor diffusion and convection.
When a Moisture Flow laminar or turbulent flow () multiphysics interface is added from the Chemical Species Transport>Moisture Flow branch () of the Model Wizard or Add Physics window, one of the Single-Phase Flow interfaces (Laminar Flow or a turbulent flow) and a Moisture Transport in Air interface are added to the Model Builder.
In addition, the Multiphysics node is added, which includes the Moisture Flow multiphysics coupling feature.
The Multiphysics Branch in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
The Turbulent Flow, k-ε interface () combines a Moisture Transport in Air interface with a Turbulent Flow, k-ε interface.
The Turbulent Flow, Realizable k-ε interface () combines a Moisture Transport in Air interface with a Turbulent Flow, Realizable k-ε interface.
The Turbulent Flow, k-ω interface () combines a Moisture Transport in Air interface with a Turbulent Flow, k-ω interface.
The Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-ε interface () combines a Moisture Transport in Air interface with a Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-ε interface.
Stationary and time-domain modeling are supported in all space dimensions.
Settings for the Physics Interfaces and Coupling Features
When physics interfaces are added using the predefined couplings, specific settings are included with the physics interfaces and the coupling feature.
In the Model Input section of the Moist Air default domain feature, the Absolute pressure, pA, and the Velocity field, u, are automatically set to the variables from the Moisture Flow multiphysics coupling feature.
In the Fluid Properties default domain feature, the Density, ρ, and the Dynamic viscosity, μ, are automatically set to the moist air variables from the Moisture Flow multiphysics coupling feature.
The Fluid flow and Moisture Transport interfaces are preselected
On the Constituent Physics Interfaces
The Moisture Transport in Air interface provides features for modeling moisture transfer by vapor convection and diffusion. A Moist Air model is active by default on all domains.
The Laminar Flow interface solves the Navier–Stokes equations for conservation of momentum and the continuity equation for conservation of mass. A Fluid model is active by default on all domains.
The different versions of the Turbulent Flow interface solve the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations for conservation of momentum and the continuity equation for conservation of mass. A Fluid Properties model is active by default on all domains. Turbulence effects are modeled in different ways:
The Turbulent Flow, k-ε interface uses the standard two-equation k-ε model. Flow close to walls is modeled using wall functions.
The Turbulent Flow, Realizable k-ε interface uses the revised two-equation k-ε model with realizability constraints. Flow close to walls is modeled using wall functions.
The Turbulent Flow, k-ω interface uses the Wilcox revised two-equation k-ω model. Flow close to walls is either modeled using wall functions or resolved down to the wall depending on local mesh resolution. The physics interface includes a wall distance equation.
The Turbulent Flow, SST interface uses the Menter SST k-ω two-equation model. Flow close to walls is either modeled using wall functions or resolved down to the wall depending on local mesh resolution. The physics interface includes a wall distance equation.
The Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-ε interface uses the AKN two-equation k-ε model with realizability constraints. The AKN model is a so-called low-Reynolds number model, which means that it resolves the flow all the way down to the wall. The AKN model depends on the distance to the closest wall. The physics interface therefore includes a wall distance equation.
The Turbulent Flow, Spalart-Allmaras interface uses the one-equation model that is designed mainly for aerodynamic applications. Flow close to walls is either modeled using wall functions or resolved down to the wall depending on local mesh resolution. The physics interface includes a wall distance equation.
As an Add-on Multiphysics Coupling
The Moisture Flow multiphysics coupling is also available when there is at least one of each of the following interfaces with the specified model activated: