Use the Thermoelectric Effect, Layered Shell multiphysics coupling (

) to account for a Peltier heat source or sink in layered materials represented by boundaries where electrical and thermal models are defined.
In the equation for heat transfer in shells, a qs = PsJ contribution is added to the heat flux
The term Je,s = −σsSs∇tT is also added to the current density, which is then defined as:
Select the boundaries on which to define the electromagnetic heat source. The Restrict to layered boundaries check box makes the node applicable only if a layered material is defined on the boundary.
Select the Electromagnetic interface associated to the electric potential dependent variable.
Select the Heat Transfer interface associated to the temperature dependent variable.
You can limit the coupling to individually selected layers by clearing the Use all layers check box. For a given
Layered Material Link or
Layered Material Stack, you get access to a list of check boxes for the selection of the individual layers.
The Seebeck coefficient Ss (SI unit: V/K) on the boundaries should be set. By default, it is taken
From layered material. For
User defined, it should be specified.
when any version of the Heat Transfer interface with the Thin Layer,
Thin Film, or
Fracture node, or any version of the Heat Transfer in Shells interface with the
Porous Medium node, is added together with the Electric Currents, Layered Shell interface.