Use the Thermal Connection, Layered Shell, Edge multiphysics coupling (

) to define a continuity condition across an edge and a surface between a temperature field from a heat transfer in domain interface and a temperature field from a heat transfer in shell interface for which the
Shell type is set to
Layered shell.
By default the edge selection is locked and set all edges that belong to the two physics interfaces selected in the Coupled Interfaces section. When
Manual control of selections option is selected in the
Connection Settings section, it is possible to edit the edge selection.
By default the boundary selection is locked and set to all external boundaries that are adjacent to the edges selected in the Edge Selection section. When
Manual control of selections option is selected in the
Connection Settings section, it is possible to edit the boundary selection.
Select the Heat transfer interface (any of the domain heat transfer interfaces) and
Heat transfer in shells interface (any of the shell heat transfer interfaces) to couple.
In case the continuity condition should not be applied to the entire selection, select the Manual control of selections option and edit the selections in the
Boundary selection, Heat and
Boundary selection, Shell sections above.
With the default option for Connection tolerance,
Automatic, the tolerance
Δ is set to 0.5% of the shell thickness, which allows for small inaccuracies on, for example, a curved geometry. By selecting
User defined, you can modify the value of
The Constraint settings can be set to
Pointwise constraints (default) or
Weak constraints. Select
Weak constraints to replace the standard constraints with a weak implementation.
when any of the Heat transfer interface (any of the domain heat transfer interfaces) is added together with the
Heat transfer in shells interface (any of the shell heat transfer interfaces).