Predefined Functions for the Surface-to-Surface Radiation Interface
When the Wavelength dependence of radiative properties is set to Solar and ambient or Multiple spectral bands, several predefined functions are available to obtain information about material properties. They can be used under the Results node to display the wavelength dependency of the material properties, and the values actually used in the computation for each band. These predefined functions are available for the following surface material properties:
Several versions of the functions exist, averaged on the entire physics, averaged on a feature, or locally evaluated, and continuous, or piecewise constant. These functions start with an f and are followed by the symbol of the material property. Changing the scope and the suffix have different results:
Feature averaged functions are available for the following list of boundary features:
Physics averaged functions are averaged on all and only the features listed above.
Predefined plots are also available to add a built-in plot with the physics averaged functions for emissivity, diffuse reflectivity, specular reflectivity, and specular transmissivity.