Events Timeline
The Events Timeline feature is present by default. Additional Events Timeline features can be added to the Orbital Thermal Loads interface in order, for example, to compare different scenarios based on different events. Only one active Events Timeline feature is expected when solving with a Orbital Thermal Loads physics interface. The Events Timeline feature allows to manage the implicit and explicit built-in events to consider during the spacecraft orbital motion.
Initial Orientation
Select the Fast tumbling check box to enable the fast tumbling approximation at the beginning of the simulation. The approximation remains active until an event that specifies that the approximation is not longer enabled is triggered. This approximation replaces the evaluation of the radiation received by the Sun at every position by an averaged value. This option can be used if you assume that the spacecraft is tumbling sufficiently fast so that all environmental heat loads can be averaged. It saves computational time by not computing the external sources view factors.
In the Axes feature list, select the Spacecraft Axes feature specifying the initial pointing direction of the spacecraft.
Set the Orientation feature list to the Spacecraft Orientation feature specifying the initial orientation of the spacecraft.
Implicit Events
The table lists all the implicit events taken into account during the spacecraft orbit. For each event set the Event type to any implicit available event.
Set the Axes feature and the Orientation feature to define the spacecraft positioning when the event occurs. The positioning is repeated each time the event type is encountered.
Set the Fast tumbling check box to control whether the fast tumbling approximation (see Initial Orientation) is active or not when the event occurs.
There are four types of predefined implicit events:
Into eclipse: triggered when the spacecraft enters the eclipse. This event is always available.
Out of eclipse: triggered when the spacecraft exits the eclipse. This event is always available.
Implicit event: triggered when a user defined condition is fulfilled. This event is optional, multiple Implicit event features can be added in the interface.
Ground station: triggered when the ground station is visible from the spacecraft given the approach and elevation angles. Another event is triggered when the ground station is out-of-sight. The fast tumbling approximation is always disabled when the ground station becomes visible. When the station becomes out-of-sight the approximation is enabled or not depending on the corresponding setting in the Ground station feature. This event is optional, multiple Ground station features can be added in the interface.
Explicit Events
Add events in the Explicit events table by setting at which Time the event occurs and what is its corresponding Axes feature and the Orientation feature at this time. The event is repeated every period specified in the Period of event column. Set Period of event to inf (default) if the event does not repeat. Set the Fast tumbling check box to control whether the fast tumbling approximation (see Initial Orientation) is active or not when the event occurs.
See Modeling of Fast Tumbling for more details about the fast tumbling definition of the heat loads.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Orbital Thermal Loads selected: