Use this node to specify the temperature somewhere in the geometry, for example, on boundaries.
Pair Selection
If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair to apply this condition to. A pair must be created first. See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details.
The equation for this condition is T = T0, where T0 is the prescribed temperature on the boundary. For User defined, enter a value or expression for the Temperature T0. Else, select an Ambient temperature defined in an Ambient Properties node under Definitions.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. The Constraint settings can be set to Pointwise constraints (default), Weak constraints or Nitsche constraints. Select Weak constraints to replace the standard constraints with a weak implementation. Select Nitsche constraints when Pointwise constraints and Weak constraints do not work satisfactorily.
The Nitsche constraints option is especially useful to prevent oscillations on inlet boundaries where convection dominates. Unlike the Pointwise constraints and Weak constraints, these constraints do not enforce the temperature on the boundary extremities. This is relevant on fluid inlets where the temperature condition should not be enforced on the walls at the inlet extremities. Note that Nitsche constraints are not supported for resistive thin layers or with turbulent wall functions.
Steady-State 2D Axisymmetric Heat Transfer with Conduction: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Tutorials,_Conduction/cylinder_conduction
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with interface as Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids or any version of the Heat Transfer interface selected:
Physics tab with Porous Medium>Fluid or Porous Medium>Porous Matrix selected in the model tree: