Database Configurations
You can manage added databases in the COMSOL Desktop from the top nodes in The Databases Tree. Right-click and select Delete Configuration () to remove an added database from the COMSOL Desktop. This will only delete the configuration for the database, not the database itself.
Database Settings
The Settings window for a database shows its configuration in the COMSOL Desktop. Click the Save button () to update the current configuration.
The General Section
This section shows the label of the database in the Label field and its optional alias in the Alias field. When set, the alias must only contain lowercase Latin alphabet characters, numerical characters, underscores, and dashes. The alias can contain, at most, 100 characters.
The Storage Section
This section is only shown for a local database. The fields are:
Database file. The path to the SQLite® database file on the file system.
Resources directory. The path to the resources directory on the file system.
Search indexes directory. The path to the search indexes directory on the file system.
Click the Show in System Explorer button () to open the database directory in the system explorer native to the operating system. Click the Compact button () to compact the database file — see Compacting Local Databases.
The Connection Section
This section is only shown for a server database accessed via a Model Manager server. The fields are:
Server. The server address to the Model Manager server.
Require secure connection. Selected if the network connection is required to use a secure connection, with transport layer security provided by HTTPS (as opposed to plain HTTP). A warning message is shown if the check box is cleared.
Username. The username used when connecting to the server.
Password. The password used when connecting to the server. The current password is not accessible.
The Password field is hidden when running COMSOL Multiphysics in client–server mode — see also Connecting Via a COMSOL Multiphysics Server.
Remember password. Selected if the password is remembered between program sessions. The password is stored in an encrypted form on the local file system.
COMSOL Desktop disconnects from a connected Model Manager server when you click the Save button () in the Settings window. You can reestablish the connection by, for example, activating the database in the Model Manager workspace — see Activating a Database.
Click the Test Connection button () to test if the filled-in values in the Connection section can be used to successfully connect to the Model Manager server.
Changing User Account Credentials
When connecting to a Model Manager server database via the The Add Database Window, Model Manager stores the username and — if you selected the Remember Password check box — the (encrypted) password in the created database configuration. This enables you to automatically connect to the server database in future program sessions.
You can change the user account credentials you use to connect to the server database. This includes, for example, using a new password or if you want to connect with a different user account.
In The Connection Section in the Settings window, write the username and password of the user account you want to connect with under User.
Click the Test Connection button () to test that the account credentials are correct.
Click the Save button () to save the new account credentials in the database configuration.
The new user account will be used in the current and any future program sessions until you repeat the previous steps.