Adding and Removing Tag Assignments
You can modify the assigned tags of an item without saving a new version. This is useful if you, for example, want to change the tags of the model that is opened in the COMSOL Desktop without introducing Save Conflicts. You can also modify the tag assignments of multiple items at once — for example by assigning all of them with the same tag.
From The Model Manager Window or The Databases Window, select one or more items and click the Set Tags button () in the Item section of the Home toolbar to open the Set Tags dialog box. The Location field shows the database, repository, and branch in which the assigned tags will be modified. The Item field indicates the item, or items, whose tag assignments will be modified.
Under Tags, select and clear check boxes for tags that will be added and removed, respectively. Leaving all nodes in the tree cleared will remove all tags from the item and place the item under the root tag — see also The Tag Tree. You can filter the tree of available tags by writing a tag title in the text field above the tree.
If multiple items were selected when you opened the Set Tags dialog box, some check boxes may be shown in an indeterminate state. These correspond to tags that some, but not all, of the items were assigned prior to opening the dialog box. Leaving the check boxes in their indeterminate state means that the corresponding tag assignments will not be modified — an item that already had the tag assigned will keep that tag, an item that did not have the tag will not gain it.
Click OK to save the new tag assignments to the database.
You can create a new tag from the Set Tags dialog box. Click New Tag () to open the New Tag dialog box — see Creating New Tags. Once created, the new tag is added to the tag tree in the Set Tags dialog box in an initially selected state.