Advanced Save Operations for Items
The options available for the parameter objects used when saving items enables you to perform a variety of advanced operations that go beyond what you have seen so far. A few examples:
Save a model loaded into COMSOL Multiphysics as a version of another model in the database.
// The targetItemKey variable is initialized elsewhere as the
// identifying key of an existing model in the database.
SaveModelItemParamGenerator p = DatabaseApiUtil.param()
ModelItemVersion version = branch
  .saveModel(p, "Saved a model as a version of another model.");
Combine three file resources from two separate file versions into a new file.
DatabaseApiParamGenerators param = DatabaseApiUtil.param();
// The itemVersionKey1 and itemVersionKey2 variables are obtained
// elsewhere as the identifying keys of two existing file versions.
SourceFileParamGenerator p1 = param
SourceFileParamGenerator p2 = param
SourceFileParamGenerator p3 = param
SaveFileItemParamGenerator p = param
  .withSourceFiles(p1, p2, p3)
  .withTitle("My Induction Motor Assembly")
FileItemVersion version = branch.saveFile(p, "Saved a new file.");
Export a file version containing table data to a temporary file using the temp file scheme. Append a table row to the temporary file using the writeFile method from the Method Editor’s built-in method library. Save the updated table data as a new file version.
String tempFilePath = "temp:///table.tmp";
// Make sure that there is no file at the export location.
// The location variable identifying the file version is
// initialized elsewhere.
FileItemVersion fileVersion = api
FileResourcePath fileResourcePath = fileVersion
DatabaseApiParamGenerators param = DatabaseApiUtil.param();
ExportFileItemVersionParamGenerator p1 = param
// Append a table row to the exported file.
writeFile(tempFilePath, new String[][]{{"1", "2", "3"}}, true);
// Save the updated table data as a new file version.
SourceFileParamGenerator p2 = param
UpdateFileItemParamGenerator p3 = param
  .update(p3, "Appended a table row.");
Export table data from a model and then save both the model and the table data as new versions in a single commit.
String location = branch.newFileLocationUri("my_table.txt");
ExportFeature e = model.result().export("table1");
e.set("filename", location);;
DatabaseApiParamGenerators param = DatabaseApiUtil.param();
SaveModelItemParamGenerator p1 = param
SaveFileItemParamGenerator p2 = param
  .withSourceItemVersionWorkingCopy(model.tag(), location);
SaveCommitParamGenerator p = param
Commit commit = branch.saveCommit(p);