The Model Manager API enables you to take further control over database operations using so-called parameter objects. These are objects that specify
all available input options governing the corresponding database operation. This is useful, for example, when you want to stray from default settings when creating or updating database objects, or when you need to perform other advanced operations that would be unwieldy to code by providing a long list of disparate arguments to an API method.
The parameter objects are created using a utility returned from the method param on
DatabaseApiUtil. For each advanced database operation in the Model Manager API, there is a corresponding method on this utility that returns a so-called
parameter generator for the parameter object. This generator has a dual purpose: it is used for specifying all input options and for being passed as argument to the corresponding API method as the parameter object itself.
with <method> corresponding to a method in the Model Manager API,
<parameter-optionX> the name of a parameter option, and
<parameter-valueX> the value for the parameter option. The parameter generator interface extends the parameter object interface. The
parameterObject variable can therefore be passed directly to a method in the API.