Basic Selection Concepts
The following basic selection concepts are useful for picking geometric entities where you want to apply physics, boundary conditions, or other parts of the model:
To pick a geometric entity in the Graphics window and add it to the current node’s selection list, simply click it. The geometric entity then appears in the selection list. Click again to deselect. Right-click in the Graphics window and activate Group by Continuous Tangent to select/deselect several boundaries or edges with continuous tangent with one click.
You can right-click in the Graphics window to add a new selection so that you can preselect some geometric entities and then right-click those selected entities and add applicable physics nodes (for a physics that is selected in the model tree).
You can also use the Selection List window to pick geometric entities, which you then add to the current selection by right-clicking and selecting Add to Selection or clicking the corresponding toolbar button (. You can select multiple entities from the selection lists using Ctrl-click or Shift-click.
For adding physics nodes from the toolbars, it can be useful to use a preselection by setting the Activate Selection button to off in the current Settings window. You can then select geometric entities and click the toolbar button for the physics nodes that you want to add. That physics node, when added, then gets the selection that you have preselected.