To display this option, click the Show More Options button () and select Solver and Job Configurations in the Show More Options dialog box.
The Sequence node () is generated automatically by a Study Reference when it is used without any Parametric Sweep study step. It then runs the referenced studies in sequence.
Use a Sequence node to run job sequence steps in the same way as with the Parametric Sweep feature. The feature only runs the steps once without any parameters or sweep. It is also similar to the Batch feature, but does not create a batch job. A sequence can contain steps to run all solutions, save the model to a file, and evaluate derived values, for example. You add those steps by right-clicking the Sequence node and selecting one of the following options:
Save Model to File, which saves the solved model to an MPH-file. See Save Model to File.
Job refers to another job that is to be run from this sequence, while Solution (see Solution) runs a Solution node as available under the Solver Configurations node, available further up in the Study tree.
Under Other, you can choose External Class (see External Class), which calls an external Java® class file. Another option, Method Call (see Method Call), runs a model method. The Geometry (see Geometry), builds the Geometry node (runs the geometry sequence). This can be used, for example, in combination with a parametric sweep to generate a sequence of MPH-files with different geometry parameters. The Mesh option (see Mesh) builds the Mesh node (runs the meshing sequence).
Under Results, you can choose Plot Group (see Plot Group) to run all or a selected set of plot groups. This is useful for automating the generation of plot groups after solving. The Derived Value option is there for legacy reason, and it is instead recommended that you use the Evaluate Derived Values option (see Evaluate Derived Values), which evaluates nodes under Results>Derived Values. The option Export to File (see Export to File) runs any node for data export under the Export node.
Example: Using a Job Sequence to Play a Sound When the Simulation is Ready
Use a job sequence with two steps to run a solver configuration (typically corresponding to a study step) and then call a method that plays a sound.
For the method, called playWav, for example, add a single line of code like playSound("success.wav");.
Add a Sequence node, and by right-clicking it, add a Solution node and a Method Call node to the sequence.
In the Settings window for the Solution node, specify the solver configuration to run from the Run list (or use the default, All, which is identical to choosing a solver configuration if there is only one such configuration in the study.
In the Settings window for the Method Call node, choose the method with the call for playing the sound (playWav, for example) from the Run list.
In the Settings window for the corresponding Sequence node, click the Run button () at the top of the window. The selected solver configuration in the Solution node is then run, and when the computation has ended, a sound is played by calling the method in the Method Call node.