Copy Solution
The Copy Solution node () is a utility node whose purpose is to copy the complete solution results from another solver, including all dependent variables. Right-click the Solution node and select Other>Copy Solution to add a Copy Solution node anywhere in a solver configuration; the software can then copy the solution from another solver at that point of the sequence. By default, Copy Solution nodes get a name that shows the name of the solution that they copy, such as Solution 1 (or No Solution).
The Settings window for the Copy Solution nodes contains the following section:
From the Solution list, choose the solution to copy (any available Solution or Solution Store node in the model). The default is None, which copies no solution.
Use this node only when you need a complete copy of the solution that will not be used for further computations. To copy the solution from another solver and use it for further computations, use the Initial Values of Variables Solved For and Values of Variables Not Solved For sections of the Dependent Variables node or the Values of Dependent Variables section of the study settings instead.