Compile Equations
In the Compile Equations () node’s Settings window, you specify which study and study step to use when computing the current solver configuration and compiling the equations to solve. The node displays the name of the selected study step: Compile Equations: Stationary, for example. Right-click this node and select Statistics to see the number of degrees of freedom for the solver (see The Statistics Page).
Study and Step
Specify the study in the Use study list and the study step in the Use study step list. By default, you get the parent study and its first study step.
Complex variables are by default represented by complex-valued degrees of freedom. By selecting the Split complex variables in real and imaginary parts check box, the representation of complex variables is changed to using separate real degrees of freedom for the real and imaginary parts. The split representation can improve convergence where nonanalytic functions of complex variables are used in equations. Using a split representation also makes it possible to avoid complex pollution (a small nonzero imaginary component) of real variables by specifying a real or complex value type for variables. If you use a split representation of complex variables, specify the value type of dependent variables in the Discretization sections in the Settings windows for the main physics nodes (to see this setting, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box).
You can choose a partitioning method from the Partitioning method for distributed computing list: From parent (the parent Solution node; this is the default setting), Mesh ordering, Nested dissection, Weighted nested dissection, or Off. See Cluster Computing Settings for more information.
Geometric Entity Selection
The default behavior is that you try to solve the problem for the full geometry. However, if you prefer, you can choose to solve only on a subset of the full geometry. To do this, change Use entities from All to Selected and add named selections to the Selections list using the Add button (). The study will now compute using only the added selections, and everything outside those selections will be neglected.
Select the Keep warnings in stored log check box if you want to keep any warnings in the log.