The Upper Limit node (

) makes it possible to impose restrictions on degrees of freedom (field variables). These restrictions are checked after each substep of a segregated approach. The restriction is performed without any regards to the equations, so use this restriction with care. Enforcing an upper limit on a field variable can be useful to ensure that the field quantity does not exceed some limit, for example. Right-click a
Segregated node to add an
Upper Limit node.
By default, no variables have active upper limits. To activate upper limits for field variables, use the Upper limits (field variable) field to specify the variables and their scalar upper limits as space-separated pairs:
field_variable_1 limit_value_1 field_variable_2 limit_value_2, and so on. For example, to impose an upper limit of 300 for the value of a field
u in Component 1, enter
comp1.u 300.