The Stop Condition node (

) stops the solver when any of the specified conditions are fulfilled. It is an optional attribute subnode to the
Time-Dependent Solver, and
References for the Solution Operation Nodes and Solvers nodes.
Use the table to specify expressions for the conditions that define when the solver should stop. The solver evaluates the active expressions after each time step or parameter step. The setting in the Stop if column of each expression determines how it is evaluated. For
True (>=1) (the default), the stepping stops if the real part is greater or equal to one, which is useful when entering logic expressions that evaluate to a Boolean true or false (
comp1.EndTerminal(comp1.phis)<2.4, for example). For
Negative (<0), the stepping stops if the real part of the expression becomes negative (
comp1.intop1(comp1.T)-360, for example). Another example of a stop condition is
timestep<0.04, which makes the solver stop when the internal time step drops below 0.04 s (when the time-dependent solver hits a sharp transient, for example). To use such logical expressions, use the
True (>=1) setting. Use the
Active column to control which stop conditions that are active by selecting or clearing the corresponding check box. The solver stops when any of the active conditions is fulfilled. Optionally, you can enter a suitable
Description for the stop condition. The description is included in the message that appears in a
Warning node when the stop condition is fulfilled.
This section is available when the Stop Condition node is an attribute of the
Time-Dependent Solver operation node. This is because events are only supported for time-dependent solvers. Events are then useful for stopping a simulation at the point where the event occurs, which is usually more exact than using a stop condition.
Use the Implicit event table to specify at which events the solver should stop. All implicit events defined in the model automatically appear in the table. The stepping stops when any event marked as active is triggered.
Select an option from the Add solution list to make the solver additionally store the corresponding solutions before and after the stop condition was fulfilled. Select:
An example of using Step before stop would be to make sure to capture the last state of a simulation before a certain condition has been fulfilled, without having to store all of the solver steps up until this point. The setting
Step after stop would similarly be used to capture the first state fulfilling a certain condition. When both the state before and after the condition are of interest, use the setting
Step before and after stop to capture the transition. If the stop condition was fulfilled by the reinitialization effect of an implicit event,
Step before stop stores the solution before reinitialization and
Step after stop stores the solution after reinitialization.
Select the Add warning check box to specify that the solver adds a warning when the solver has stopped due to a stop condition.