The Linux® and Windows
® versions of COMSOL Multiphysics
support a distributed memory mode. The
distributed mode starts a number of computational nodes set by the user. Each computational node is a separate process running a COMSOL instance. A computational node is not the same as a physical node (computer), but they can coincide. When running in distributed mode, COMSOL Multiphysics uses MPI for communicating between the processes in the distributed environment.

For the schematic in Figure 22-6, you can choose any number of computational nodes between 1 and 12. Each node, in turn, can use between 4 and 1 processor cores for shared memory. By default, COMSOL Multiphysics uses as many cores as are available on each physical node for shared-memory parallelism. This is suboptimal if the number of computational nodes is not the same as the number of physical nodes. It is recommended that you explicitly set the number of cores. For the schematic example, if you run 6 computational nodes, the optimal value for number of cores per compute node is 2. The total number of cores used is then 6
= 12.