Right-click nodes to select items from the Declarations Contents submenu. This group of report components provides information about declarations in applications created using the Application Builder. See
The Declarations Branch in the Application Builder documentation.
The Choice List report node (

) adds a list of combo boxes, lists, and radio buttons.
The Unit Set report node (

) adds a unit set from an application to the report.
The String report node (

) adds a list of named strings that are included with form objects and methods.
The Double report node (

) adds a list of named scalar double floating-point values that are included with form objects and methods.
The Boolean report node (

) adds a list of named scalar Booleans that are included with form objects and methods.
The Integer report node (

) adds a list of named scalar integers that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 1D String report node (

) adds a list of named string arrays that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 1D Double report node (

) adds a list of named double floating-point arrays that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 1D Boolean report node (

) adds a list of named Boolean arrays that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 1D Integer report node (

) adds a list of named integer arrays that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 2D String report node (

) adds a list of named 2D string arrays (matrices) that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 2D Double report node (

) adds a list of named 2D arrays (matrices) of double floating-point values that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 2D Boolean report node (

) adds a list of named 2D Boolean arrays (matrices) that are included with form objects and methods.
The Array 2D Integer report node (

) adds a list of named 2D integer arrays (matrices) that are included with form objects and methods.