Add a Comparison node () to compare a graph plot and with reference values in a table graph. You can add a Comparison subnode to Global, Point Graph, and Line Graph plots. It is only possible to make a comparison if there is a Table Graph node to compare to. When you add a Comparison node, a corresponding Table node, such as Comparison (Line Graph 1), is added under Tables and contains the output of the comparison.
Reference Data
From the Table graph list, choose None (the default) or any available Table Graph in the plot group.
From the Column list, choose First plotted (the default) or any other available column in the table data. If the Row-based check box has been selected in the Table Graph node’s settings, then a Row list appears instead, and you can choose First plotted (the default) or any other available row in the table data.
In this section you can specify the mapping for the comparison and the metric to use.
From the Mapping list, choose Difference in y direction (the default) for data on the form y = f(x), Difference in x direction for data on the form x = f(y), or Closest point, which maps each point in the table graph to the closest point on the curve.
From the Metric list, choose Maximum (the default), All differences, RMS (root mean square), or Coefficient of determination. The coefficient of determination, or R2, is the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable.
This section lists the table that contains the output from the comparison.