For examples that use an Octave Band plot, see Absorptive Muffler: Application Library path Acoustics_Module/Automotive/absorptive_muffler and The Brüel & Kjær 4134 Condenser Microphone: Application Library path Acoustics_Module/Electroacoustic_Transducers/bk_4134_microphone.
Pressure (the default), to compute the octave plot treating the expression as an pressure prms. The input is the value p (it is generally a complex-valued variable). It is in turn used to calculate the rms pressure prms, which defines the level L:
1/3 octave bands, to plot the response using 1/3 octave bands.
1/6 octave bands, to plot the response using 1/6 octave bands.
The predefined weightings are defined in IEC 61672-1. See IEC 61672-1 Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications for details.
Z-weighted (flat) (the default), to use a zero weighting; that is, a flat weighting.
A-weighted, to use a weighting that mimics the loudness perceived by the human ear.
C-weighted, to use a C-weighting, which is an alternative standardized weighting that is in use within the acoustics community.
Expression, to enter a user-defined value or expression for the weighting in the Expression field. The expression defines the gain as a function of the frequency. The gain given in dB is then given as 20·log10(expression). Use the frequency variable freq for user-defined expressions.
Select Bar (the default) to display filled bars. Then select the color for the bars from the Color list. Choose Custom to select a custom color from the color palette that appears.
Select Outline to display outlines of the bars. You can then specify settings for the line style and line markers for the outlines.
Select Line to display a graph connecting the centerpoints of the bands. You can then specify settings for the line style and line markers for the graph.