Joint Probability Distribution
Use a Joint Probability Distribution plot () in 2D plot groups to plot joint probability distributions as a postprocessing step for models using uncertainty quantification. Right-click a 2D Plot Group to add a Joint Probability Distribution plot from the More Point Plots submenu
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about the Title section.
From the Table list, choose a table to use as the data for the joint probability distribution plot.
From the Mode list, choose Overview (the default) to show the scatter plot for each parameter pair in the lower diagonal subplots and the kernel density estimation plot for each parameter in the diagonal subplots, or choose Parameter pair to show the enlarged view of the scatter plot of the selected parameter pair. In the latter case, choose what parameters to use for the x-axis and y-axis columns from the x-axis column and y-axis column lists. In the Parameter pair mode, when the x-axis and y-axis columns are equal, what is plotted corresponds to the diagonal elements of what is plotted in Overview mode.
Coloring and Style
If you have chosen Overview from the Mode list in the Data section, then choose from the following settings:
Select the Include parameter pairs above the diagonal check box to also show the scatter plot for each parameter pair in the upper diagonal subplots.
Under Parameter distributions, the Plot estimated distribution and Plot histogram check boxes are selected by default to include those plots for the parameter distributions. From the Color lists underneath each check box, choose a color for the plot (choose Custom to pick a custom color from a color palette).
The remaining settings are available, regardless of what has been chosen from the Mode list:
Under Joint distributions, the Plot contours and Plot points check boxes are selected by default to include those plots for the joint distributions. For the contours, under the Plot contours check box, specify the number of contour levels in the Number of levels field (default: 10) and choose a color table from the Color table list (default: Rainbow). From the Color list underneath the Plot points check box, choose a color for the point plot (choose Custom to pick a custom color from a color palette).
Under Spacing, specify the Padding of parameter ranges as a relative padding (default: 0.02). Also, when you have selected Overview from the Mode list, specify the Horizontal spacing between plots and Vertical spacing between plots as relative spacings (default: 0.05).