Node Properties for Reports and Presentations
When applicable, the Node Properties section provides settings for including the node properties for all model nodes. Select the check boxes Include author, Include date created, and Include application version (for the report Root node) or Include version (for other report nodes) to include those properties. For Comments, the default setting (the report Root node excepted) — From referenced node — takes the comments from the node in the model; select Custom to add other comments or None for no comments.
In reports, each comment line becomes a separate paragraph. In presentations, each line becomes a separate list item (if there is only one line, no bullet is shown). You can use bullet lists (the default; preceded by one or more asterisks for subbullet levels, *) and numbered list (preceded by one or more hash signs, #). Use the Increase Bullet-List Level (), Increase Numbered-List Level (), and Decrease List Level () buttons as required to manage the list levels. Also, use the other text formatting options as desired. See Custom Report, Documentation, and Presentation Components for more information.