If Expression or Logical expression is selected, enter an Expression in the text field. For example, an expression can be abs(x-y) to plot a fraction of elements closest to the line y = x (that is, the fraction that you specify is the fraction where the expression evaluates to the smallest values). An example of a logical expression is (h>0.1)&&(h<0.4), which shows the elements with an element size between 0.1 and 0.4 (h is the predefined variable for the mesh element size). Another example is x>0, which plots elements in the right half-plane only. The expression can include unit syntax such as y<50[cm]. Click the Replace Expression () button to select a predefined quantity and replace the entire contents of the Expression field with the corresponding variable as the only expression.
If Random, Expression, Worst quality, Best quality, or Size is selected, specify the Fraction of elements (0–1) to show (the default is 1, which means that all elements are included).