Right-click a Porous Material node to add a Fluid subnode () to define properties of a fluid phase in the porous medium.
Fluid Properties
From the Material list, choose the material to represent the fluid: Locally defined (the default), or select any other material that you have added. Click the Go to Material button () to move to the selected material’s node. Click the Add Material from Library button ( to add a material from the Add Material to Pellet window. You can also click the downward arrow next to the button and choose Blank Material to add a new blank material. In both cases, the added material becomes selected in the Material list.
Material Properties
This section is only available if you have selected Locally defined from the Material list in the Fluid Properties section. You can then choose material properties that you want to add for the fluid from the list and then click the Add to Material button () to add those properties to the table in the Material Contents section below.
Material Contents
This section contains a table with the material properties for the fluid, which typically consist of the porosity and the material properties from the chosen material for the fluid. When the Material in the Fluid Properties section is Locally defined, enter values or expressions for the properties in the Value column. You can also click the Edit button () below the table to enter the property values.