Adding Materials to a Component
You can add materials to Component nodes using either the Add Material or Material Browser windows. In either window, use the Search field to find materials by name, UNS number, or DIN number. Or click any of the folders and subfolders to locate and add a specific material. For example, from the left column, click Built-In and in the right column, click Air. To add a material to the current component, click the Add to Component button, right-click the material and choose Add to Component, or, in the Add Material window, press Enter. In the Add Material window you can also add a material to global Materials list and to the current selection. In the Material Browser window, you can also add the material to the global Materials list and to an existing user-defined or new material library.
Using the Add Material Window
Open the Add Material window (see The Add Material Window).
In the Add Material window, select a material by phase (liquid, vapor, gas, or solid) and orientation/variation, when available.
Click the Add to Global Materials or Add to Component buttons, or right-click the material and select the same options from the context menu. If there is more than one Component node in the model tree, add the material to the applicable geometry.
Click the Add to Global Materials button to add it under the global Materials node.
Click the Add to Component button to add the material to the active component in the Model Builder and then make it an active material in the domains (or other geometric entities) where it is selected. You can also select any of the components in the model to add it to its Materials node, or select Add to Switch 1, for example, to add it under a Switch node for materials under the global Materials node. Right-click the Material node to rename it, for example, using the name of the material it represents.
Using the Material Browser Window
Open the Material Browser window (see The Material Browser Window).
In the Material Browser, select options from the Phase and Orientation/variation lists, when available (only included for some materials in the Material Library product). In this window you can review the material Properties and Input sections.
Click the Add to Component button () under the list of materials to add the selected material to the current model component. Alternatively, click the Add To button () to add the material to the global Materials node (choose Global Materials), to any available model component, or to an existing or new user-defined material library. You can also right-click the selected material node to add that material to a model component or user-defined material library. Materials that you have selected to add to any of the model components appear in the Added to model list.
Click Done () to add the materials to the model tree in the Model Builder and close the Material Browser. If it is the first material in that model component, the material in the Model Builder becomes the default material; otherwise, the material is initially not used anywhere but becomes the active material in the domains (or other geometric entities) that you pick to add to that material’s selection list.