Loaded Part Settings
A Loaded Part node contains a link to a geometry part in another MPH-file and has no subnodes. The Settings window for a Loaded Part node includes the following sections:
In the File section you specify the location of the part that you load:
A Filename field where you specify the path and filename to the Model MPH-file with the part that you are loading. Click Browse () to search for a Model MPH-file with at least one part on the file system. You can also click the downward arrow beside the Browse button and choose Browse From () to open the fullscreen Select File window to choose a file from a database, for example. The part that you load is displayed under Part. The Filename field is set to the Model MPH-file that you selected with the Load Part command. For a geometry part loaded from a database, the Filename field shows the loaded part using the icon and the label of the database from where the geometry part was loaded.
Click Reload () to load the current version of the part in the other Model MPH-file if necessary.
Click Replace from Library () to open the Part Libraries window and choose a compatible geometry part that you then link to instead, replacing the current link.
This section includes the label and tag of the part that you link to.
This section contains a description of the part, if available.
For parts loaded from a part library shipped with COMSOL Multiphysics or any of the add-on modules, or other parts that include a thumbnail image, that associated descriptive image of the part appears here.
This section contains version information for the part at the time when it was linked in the model: a version number and the date and time for when it was last modified.