Sequence Member
Use Sequence Member nodes () to define the individual events in the Event Sequence. Each Sequence Member will be activated in turn. Right-click an Event Sequence node to add Sequence Member subnodes.
The Discrete state name can be used in other physics features to activate settings while that state is active. The discrete state will be set to the value of 1 when end condition of the previous sequence member in the sequence is triggered, and at the beginning of a simulation if the sequence member is the first in the sequence.
From the End condition list, choose Expression (the default) so that each step runs until a certain End condition expression (>0) becomes positive, or choose Duration to make it continue for a fixed Duration (default: 1 s). The Use consistent initialization option is the same as for Explicit Event.
In the table under Variables, enter any additional global dependent variable name (such as a discrete state) for which the value should be changed when an event occurs. In the Expression column, enter the corresponding reinitialization expression for each variable.