Prescribed Solution
The Prescribed Solution domain condition (found under the More submenu) lets you specify the value of u on a set of domains. It is thus a Dirichlet condition applied at domain level that overrides the equation for u that would otherwise apply.
Prescribed Solution
The prescribed solution for each dependent variable (for example, u2), has a corresponding check box (Prescribed value of u2), which is selected by default. Enter a value or expression for the prescribed value in the associated text field or clear the check box as needed. If cleared, no Dirichlet constraint is added for that dependent variable on the selected domains.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. This section contains settings for specifying the type of constraint and whether to use a pointwise or weak constraint. See Constraint Settings for more information.
See Coefficient Form PDE for all the settings and Compact and Standard Notations for Classical PDEs for the equations that the Classical PDE interface solves.