Press Ctrl+F, click the Find button in the Quick Access Toolbar, or choose
Find and Replace (

) from the
Windows menu to open the
Find and Replace window that you can use to search for and replace variables or text in all of the model or, for application development, only in methods.
In this window, enter a search string in the text field under the window’s toolbar. The default label is Contains, and it represents a search that contains the entered text. From the
Search Options (

) menu, you can also select to search for
Contains word or a
Regular expression. The text for the search field then updates to reflect the search option you use. The
Contains word option looks for a single word in a sentence or a variable name in an expression. The
Case Sensitive button (

) that just ensures that matches respect the case in the search field. Use the
Regular expression option for more advanced search patterns, which also support group matches (see any online resource about regular expressions for details). Click the
Search button (

) to update the search.
When working in the Physics Builder (see the Physics Builder Manual for more information), the
Search Options menu contains an additional item named
Scope of Search (

). Choosing this option opens the
Scope of Search dialog, which contains two check boxes:
In the top toolbar you also find the Add Filter (

) and the
Search History (

) menus; see the section below for more details on these menus. Click the
Select Node button (

) to select the node in the model tree for the selected row in the list of search result and move to the settings where the search found that search string.
Under the search field there is a Replace with field. In that text field enter the text that you want to replace the matches with. Next to this field you find the
Replace menu (

), which contains two replace options:
Replace Checked and
Replace All. Use
Replace All to replace all matches that can be replaced in the last search. The
Replace Checked option only replaces the matches that you have selected in the result table below.
The Node Filter can limit what tree nodes to show in the search results. When you add a
Node Filter, the
Node Filter dialog box appears with settings for matching nodes: The
Filter list contains the
Node tags,
Node labels (the default),
Node names, and
Node types options. Each option searches for the corresponding property and matches it against the text in the
Find field. You can also choose to specialize the search with the
Contains word,
Regular expression, and
Case sensitive check boxes under
Options. They have the same meaning as the main search options. When you click
OK the filter becomes visible in the
Find and Replace window above the results table as a
Node Filter menu, where you can choose
Edit (

) to open the
Node Filter dialog box and
Remove (

) to remove the filter.
The Descriptions filter option limits the search to only search for descriptions (read-only labels in the user interface). This filter do not need any settings, so its toolbar menu only contain the
Remove option. Also note that replace is not supported for descriptions.
To filter with respect to certain settings, use the Settings filter, and when you select it, the
Settings dialog box appears. The
Name field contains the text that matches the name of a setting (the label shown in the user interface). The value of the setting is what the main search field matches against. The filter supports the same options as the
Node Filter but also includes two extra options:
Each search that you do will be listed in the Search History menu (

). To redo a previous search with the same options, just select the search from this menu. The results can differ from the previous search if the model has changed since when you last did that search. The labels of each saved search contains an abbreviated list of the options used. The menu also contains the
Open New Window and
Clear Search History options. Choose
Open New Window to open another
Find and Replace window in the COMSOL Desktop. The
Clear Search History option removes all saved searches in all open
Find and Replace windows.