The Auxiliary Data Window
The Auxiliary Data window shows all input files, output files, and input models (parts) that are associated with the current model. For each entry in the table, you can see what part of the model it belongs to, what its current data source is, and other information about its current status. See also The Auxiliary Data Window for Database Input and Output in the Model Manager Reference Manual.
The table contains the following columns:
The Node column — the name of the owning feature as the label followed by the model path in parentheses, such as Global Least Squares Objective 1 (Component 1>Optimization).
The Setting column — descriptions of the input file, output file, or input model property on the form of a description followed by a property context in parentheses, such as Filename (Experimental Data).
The Location column — descriptions of the path to the current data source.
The Status column — descriptions of the status of the data sources with respect to versioning and embedding. There can be more than one status; they are then separated by a comma. Statuses include Up to date, Available on disk, Not available in database, and Unsaved changes. The Unsaved changes status shows up for database files whose working copy changes have not yet been saved to the database. New data has then been written to a file in a temporary folder on the server file system (the working copy of the database file), but it is not yet saved to the database. In that case, you can save the file to the database, either via the Save as Version button in the Auxiliary Data window or when saving the model via the Save To option on the File menu. The unsaved output files will show up in the Auxiliary Data section in the fullscreen Save window.
Right-click any row in the table to choose Go to Node () or Browse From ( (see below). If the Status column say Database not connected, you can also choose Connect to Database () to reconnect to the database from which the auxiliary data has been taken. If you successfully reconnect to the database, the Status column shows Up to date.
Click the table headers to sort the table according to the content in the column of the clicked header.
The toolbar above the table contains the following toolbar buttons, which are enabled when they are applicable:
Click the Refresh Auxiliary Data Status button () to refresh the status of all entries in the table.
From the Filter Type list () you can choose from the following filter options:
Select Input to only show input file items in the window.
Select Output to only show output file items in the window, generated from data export features, for example.
Select Only List with Location to only show items that have a data source set. When deselected, it will show all items, including those with no source set.
Select Only List Active to hide inactive auxiliary data. Auxiliary data that is active is data that is currently accepting a value input for its source (for example, a file input not hidden by a group property).
An example in the user interface is the Data source list in the Settings windows for a global Interpolation node. Here, Data source is a list where File, Local table, and Result table can be selected. The corresponding file input in the Auxiliary Data window will only be active if File is selected. If File is not selected, and the Only List Active filter is enabled, the corresponding file input will not appear in the Auxiliary Data window.
Click the Go to Node button () to move to and select the feature in Model Builder that includes the data. You can also right-click a data row in the table and choose Go to Node.
Click the Browse From button () to open the Select File window to select a new data source for the selected file input entry. You can also right-click a data row in the table and choose Browse From.
Click the Import to Database button () to import the file into a database. This options is only available for input files.
Click the Update to Latest Version button () to update the selected file to the newest version that is available.
Click the Save as Version button () to save an existing output database file as a new version in the database. It opens the Save File window, where you can edit certain aspects of the file, such as its title and tags, see what underlying file resources are associated with the file, and add comments. The Save as Version functionality is useful to, for example. save unsaved changes for a file. If you, for example, use a normal Write for an HTML report, in the Settings window’s toolbar for a report node. The report feature then writes to a working copy of the database file, which resides on the server file system. If you refresh the status in the Auxiliary Data window, the Status column shows two statuses, Unsaved changes and Up to date. The first status shows that the written report contains unsaved changes not yet saved to the database. To save it, use the Save as Version button.
Click the Show Location button (), when enabled, to show the location for the auxiliary data. If you select an item in the auxiliary data table that points to a database stored file, it shows the corresponding file version in the Versions window in the Model Manager (see The Versions Window in the Model Manager Reference Manual). In case of a file on the file system, Show Location shows the file on the file system in a system explorer. In case of an embedded or uploaded file, Show Location will go to the source (the file container in this case) in the Application Builder. You can also right-click a data row in the table and choose Show Location.