A Frequency Domain, AWE Reduced-Order Model node (

) defines a reduced-order model using asymptotic waveform expansion (AWE) to represent a frequency response. See
AWE Solver.
The Settings window for a
Frequency Domain, Modal, Reduced-Order Model node contains the following sections:
Here you specify the Frequency value to be used when evaluating outputs. It is by default set to
freq, which means that the reduced-order model will be evaluated at the same frequency as the calling model in which it is used.
When Use output dependent variables is selected, the reduced-order model also declares the dependent variable names entered in the
Dependent variable column. When the reduced-order model is part of another model, these dependent variables can be assigned the value of the corresponding output variable each time a solution is stored. This behavior is controlled by the
Store output dependent variables setting in the
Physics and Variables Selection section of each study step where the reduced-order model is used. These settings are only available for reduced-order models that have outputs.