Add a Buckling Imperfection node (

) to set up the framework for performing a nonlinear analysis of a structure having an initial imperfection based on the results of a linear buckling study. To add a
Buckling Imperfection node, right-click the
Definitions node under a 3D model component and choose it from the
Physics Utilities submenu.
From the Linear buckling study list, choose the study from which the imperfection mode shapes are to be selected. Only studies containing a
Linear Buckling study step are shown in the list.
Under Mode selection, add the buckling modes to include in the
Mode column. Also, specify a scale factor for each mode in the corresponding field under
Scale factor.
To add a Deformed Geometry node with necessary subnodes in which the selected sum of buckling modes are used as predeformation, click the
Create button (

) in the section header.
From the Study list, choose the study that is the nonlinear buckling study. The default, and most common case, is
New, in which case the study does not already exist. You can also select any existing
Stationary study.
From the Load parameter list, choose the parameter to use as a load parameter for ramping up the load. The parameter must already be defined under a
Parameters node. It is typically a multiplier to the same load that was used in the linear buckling study.
Click the Create button (

) in the section header to set up the nonlinear study. If
Study is set to
New, a new study is created. If an existing study is selected, its settings will be modified. In either case, geometrical nonlinearity will be activated in the study, and a continuation solver will be set up using the
Load parameter as auxiliary sweep parameter. The range of the sweep is based on the lowest buckling mode selected in the
Mode selection table.