Add a Model Input (

) under
Definitions>Shared Properties to define a local value for a model input in part of or all of the geometry in the component and for all physics interfaces in that component, overriding its value from the
Default Model Inputs node and any value based on a dependent value from a physics interface. This functionality can be useful if you want to, for example, override a multiphysics coupling or specify a custom model input (such as a temperature defined by a PDE) for a multiphysics simulation.
The default Name is the same as the selected model input quantity (
T, for example, for temperature).
The Settings window includes the following sections:
This section lists any other Model Input nodes that this node overrides or is overridden by. Only
Model Input nodes with the same model input quantity and the same or an overlapping geometric entity selection can override or be overridden.
Click the Select Quantity button (

) to select a model input quality from the
Solid, or
Transport folder, or type a filter text and click the
Filter button (

) to filter the list of model inputs. Then type a value or expression in the text field for the selected model input quantity. Under
Variable name, the variable name that represent this model input (
minput.T for temperature, for example) appears.