Sector Symmetry
Select Sector Symmetry at interfaces between rotating objects where sector symmetry is used. It is only available for pairs. A default subnode is added. Right-click to select additional features from the Fallback Features submenu. In 2D, this feature assumes rotation around the origin.
This feature is always used in conjunction with a Periodic Condition on adjacent radial sector boundaries. Note that the same periodic condition feature cannot be used on both sides of where the sector symmetry boundaries connect with the periodic boundaries. At least two periodic condition features are required for the model to compute correctly.
Pair Selection
When using nonconforming meshes on the source and destination of a pair, for numerical stability, a finer mesh should be applied on the destination side for any pair with a condition that imposes a coupling or a constraint across the pair. The sector symmetry feature falls into this category.
Sector Settings
Enter the Number of sectors (<50) nsect. The default is 2.
Select a Type of periodicityContinuity (the default) or Antiperiodicity.
Based on space dimension, enter values or expressions in the table for the Axis of rotation arot.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. The constraint setting can be set to Pointwise constraints (default), or Weak constraints. Additionally, the Nitsche constraints option is available for the scalar potential in the Electric Currents, Magnetic Field, No Currents, and Rotating Machinery, Magnetic physics interfaces. The displacement current term is excluded from the Nitsche constraints in the Electric Currents interface and is therefore valid in the quasistationary approximation.
The Nitsche constraints option assumes the quasistatic approximation and is applicable only for pairs adjacent to domains with small or no displacement currents or induced eddy currents normal to the pair boundary. In addition, nonlinear material models in the neighboring domains are not supported.